Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Exercise Program

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 

CRE: Cardiorespitory Endurance

For Cardiorespiratory endurance, your target heart rate should be anywhere from 65-90% of your maximum heart rate. If you need help figuring out your target heart rate, I found this really cool website tool to help you out

20-60 Minutes:

-Anything that gets your heart pumping!

Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday:

MS/ME: Muscular Strength and Endurance

It is important when you are building up your muscular strength and endurance to make sure that you exercise the areas of your muscles on non-consecutive days. Your muscles need time to heal between sessions! I have three different routines you can follow that will target all of your major muscle groups. You can do every exercise, or just use them as building blocks for your own routine! Remember, the general guidelines for fitness are 8-12 reps per set and 1-2 sets. 

Routine 1: Lower Body

-Hip Abductor & Adductor
-Leg Curl
-Leg Extensions
-Seated Leg Press
-Gluteal Press
-Calf Raises

Routine 2: Upper Body

-Chest Press
-Pectoral Flys
-Incline Chest Press
-Shoulder Press
-Tricep Extension Machine
-Bicep Curl Machine
-Tricep Pulldowns
-Lat Pulldown
-Seated Rows

Routine 3: Core

-Abdominal Machine
-Back Extension Machine
-Oblique Machine

Flexibility & Stretching

Many people overlook stretching as an essential part of their work out routine. However, having good flexibility will aid you in your exercise routine profoundly! If you don't believe me, read here.

I always stretch before and after exercising.  

Having a little trouble with how to stretch? Here is literally 100+ ways to stretch.

Saturday: DAY OFF! 

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