In the film “Bully,” the viewer meets five students who are victims of bullying and their families. One student, Tyler, committed suicide age 17. Another student, who was 11 or 12, also committed suicide. The families of Ty and Tyler told their story, and revealed the torture they endured on a daily basis. The other students were followed at school and were victims of bullying because they were gay or just because they were different. “Bully” is an extremely moving, emotional movie, and I think it is something everyone should see.
Watching this movie made me cry. I guess I never realized just how serious and cruel bullying is. I never bullied anyone, but I can remember kids in middle school and high school that were made fun of a lot, and I didn't reach out to them. I really wish I did. I don't think anyone should suffer the way the kids in the movie did. The saddest part is that many kids everywhere do.
I found this article that has some pretty sobering statistics regarding bullying. Online bullying, which wasn't covered very much in the film "Bully", affects about 80% of all high school students today. Even more surprising, the Center for Disease Control considers bullying a public health concern. I guess its safe to say we start taking bullying more seriously!
So what do we do about it?!
Preventing bullying in schools starts with rules. The entire school, including staff, faculty, etc., must uphold an anti-bullying policy. There should never be an instance at the school where a case of bullying is allowed. The environment at school should be a safe one!
If you are a student, reach out to those who are being mistreated! Stand up for them. The difference in that individual's life could be you!
If you see bullying happening, don't stand by and do nothing. Report, confront, whatever. Just don't pass a blind eye.
If you see bullying happening, don't stand by and do nothing. Report, confront, whatever. Just don't pass a blind eye.
For more tools, tips, and information check out these pages:
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