Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Do You Have a Will?

Intestacy: Why is it important to have a will? 

When someone dies and they have not made a will, the state declares they died in "intestacy". This means that your estate (money, property, etc.) will be distributed according to the state's laws regarding intestacy. So if you want to be the one that delegates who inherits your estate and who is in charge of your affairs after you pass instead of the state, you need to make a will. 

Wills account for more than your money however, they also dictate your wishes for the funeral, make provisions for you spouse, and allow you to appoint a guardian for your children, if you have any. 

To learn more about wills, how you create one, or when you should revise it, click here or here.

What is a living will? 

A living will is a document that that one uses to dictate what type of medical procedures that would or would not done if they were in a serious medical situation where they could not speak up for themselves, like when they are in a coma, a vegetative state, etc. Living wills do not become effective until an individual is incapacitated.

To learn more about living wills, click here.

California Will

If you've decided you want to create a will, the state of California makes it pretty easy!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Environmental Health & Bottled Water

I chose this video because water bottles have become a normal part of today's society, and I don't think we realize the entirety of the consequences of buying water bottles. I also chose this video because eliminating one's consumption of water bottles is so easy and something all of us can do right now!

I really care about our environment. Before watching this video, I thought I was being responsible in regards to bottled and canned drinks by recycling. I don't buy bottled water a lot, but I buy lots of bottled and canned soft drinks. However, I now realize that just taking my bottles and cans to the recycling center isn't enough. I need to stop buying bottled (and canned) drinks.

The video above discusses how bottled water costs 2,000 times the amount of tap water! That's insane. It goes on to state that the amount of fuel needed to produce water bottles for a year could fuel a million cars for a year. It was estimated in 2003 that at the rate of water bottles we consume and DON'T recycle in the year 2013 (THAT'S RIGHT NOW!) would be enough to create a two lane highway stretching the entire coast of California. To make matters worse, most bottled water is in reality just filtered tap water and is usually just as clean as tap water. In fact, in a study conducted by the NDRC, they found that 22% of the bottled water they tested was contaminated beyond state regulation limits.

I chose this video because water bottles have become a normal part of today's society, and I don't think we realize the entirety of the consequences of buying water bottles. I also chose this video because eliminating one's consumption of water bottles is so easy and something all of us can do right now!

So what do you do? 

  • STOP buying bottled water! 
  1. Drink your tap water! If you are concerned as to whether your tap water is safe to drink or not, check it here.
  2. Get a reusable water bottle to bring to work, school, etc. 
  • If you MUST buy bottled water (its your last and only option), RECYCLE! 
  1. Its the responsible thing to do, plus you got some extra change towards gas. This website allows you to find recycling centers near you throughout all of California. 
  • GET INNOVATIVE! This idea is SO COOL. Please go check it out :) 

Yes, that is a house being built out of water bottles. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Effect of Stress on the Immune System

 There are two types of stress: long-term and short-term. Surprisingly enough, research suggests that short-term stress can have a positive effect on our immune system. Short-term stress can increase transfer activity of infection-fighting cells, called lymphocytes, from our blood to our skin. This increased activity may aid in blocking infection and improve wound healing.
  Long-term stress, however, can decrease certain activities of our immune system. Natural "killer cells", or cells that attack viruses and certain tumors, have been shown by research to be suppressed by chronic or long-term stress. Stress can also lead to increased inflammation, disease pathogenesis (the production and development of disease), autoimmune diseases, an increased susceptibility to diseases and infections, and weaker wound healing.

Short-Term Stress Examples:
  • Finals
  • Motor Vehicle Collisions
  • Job Interview
Long-Term Stress Examples:
  • Ongoing marital conflict 
  • Divorce
  • Strain at work 

Reference List

  1. How stress affects the body. Stress Management: Approaches For Preventing & Reducing Stress (2011) [serial online]. January 2011;:33-38. Available from: Consumer Health Complete - EBSCOhost, Ipswich, MA. Accessed July 28, 2013 
  2. Ganz F. Tend and Befriend in the Intensive Care Unit. Critical Care Nurse [serial online]. June 2012;32(3):25-34. Available from: Consumer Health Complete - EBSCOhost, Ipswich, MA. Accessed July 28, 2013.

Chill Out! 

Feeling a bit stressed out? Check out my personal stress soother or some great resources and tips to check out: 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Science of Sex Appeal

This documentary series from discovery channel discusses the various scientific processes and responses, etc. that is behind sex appeal. It isn't just what shoes we are wearing or our haircuts that make people attracted to us!

In this post I am going to focus on the aspect of the documentary that I found the most interesting, which is the correlation between the symmetry of our facial features and our attractiveness:

Sex Appeal: Symmetry 

Did you know that almost 80% of men and women prefer partners with symmetrical faces? The symmetry of one's face is determined in the womb. Infections, etc. can affect how your body is developing and the symmetry of your face. 

When we someone as more attractive, and their face is symmetrical, we are actually unconsciously responding to biological cues to the quality of that person's genetics! I had no idea there was a scientific reason behind the individuals I am attracted to!

Symmetry is sexy! 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Psychological Health: Defense Mechanisms

I have personally used the following three defense mechanisms in my life. Until reading about various defense mechanisms, I wasn't familiar with any of them.


Displacement- shifting your feelings about a person to another person 

My Experience
Last week, I was upset with my boss over my work schedule. I didn't feel like it was appropriate to confront her about these feelings because she's my boss, so instead I was angry and irritable the rest of the day. When my mom got home from work, she offered to help me do my laundry and I snapped at her.
I resorted to this behavior of taking out my anger on my mom because I didn't want to get in trouble at work. Of course, my mom did nothing wrong and I felt bad that I hurt her feelings afterward. Perhaps next time I can find a calm way I can discuss things with my boss or find a healthy way to express my frustrations so I don't take it out on my innocent loved ones. 


Denial- Refusing to acknowledge to yourself what you really know to be true

My Experience
I used to smoke cigarettes. Nicotine is extremely addictive and cigarettes have a plethora of nasty effects on your body. I was aware of all this and I continued to smoke.
I used to just dismiss these facts because I wasn't ready to quit, and I guess I believed that these risks wouldn't happen to me. Now that I am older I realize that smoking is dangerous and I am just as likely to get cancer and other things as the next individual. 

Passive-Aggressive Behavior 

Passive-Aggressive Behavior- Expressing hostility toward someone by covertly uncooperative or passive

My Experience
I was upset with my mother because we had gotten into an argument. I usually clean the kitchen for her every day because I know he makes her happy, but I didn't clean the kitchen that day. I also purposely used like three different cups at lunch.
After my anger subsided, I realized how childish this behavior was. I think I resorted to this defense mechanism because I was upset with my mother but I wasn't upset enough to escalate the argument or seriously damage her feelings.